GenerIA: Your tailor-made AI, sovereign and ecological

Your bespoke AI.

and ecological.

Both very powerful and uniquely carbon-neutral, GenerIA AIs are built for you on your selection of data. They can help you augment your organization. Today.

Generia RedHeart RedCanada Red

GenerIA's Artificial Intelligence: Open up new possibilities

Open up
new possibilities

All the power of artificial intelligence with zero carbon, more safety, more ethics and more flexibility...

GenerIA AIs don't follow standards, they redefine them.


On your data, in your applications, for your industry, your users, your workflows.


Maximum performance and minimum footprint, in every use case.


Sovereign, deployable 100% on-premises, no third-party.


Integrate them into most devices (including voice models and queries).


Available everywhere, with or without network connection.


Monitor your ecological impact in real time.

GenerIA AIs guarantee the success of your projects.

At a predictable cost, on time and with your data protected.

Contrary to the competition, they natively include all the functionalities that matter to you.


GenerIA's Artificial Intelligence: Increase your performance

your organizational performance   

GenerIA AIs understand you.

They model the data you need, private and/or public, with no volume limits.

Their simple, 100% customizable interface integrates easily into your processes, making your organization far more productive.

Their answers are refined day by day, based on your evaluations and feedback.

GenerIA UI example
Example of a mobile interface.

The GenerIA benefits:

Multilingual, sovereign and secure AI, specialized on your data.
Direct access to the source documents that make up answers.
Supplied user interface, 100% customizable: styles, functions, branding...
Secure voice queries (optional).
Conversational or chatbot modes.
Machine-to-machine mode and connectors for AI agents chaining.


GenerIA's Artificial Intelligence: Compound your operations and environment

your operations and environment   

GenerIA AIs are unique at this level of functional and energy performance.

Their deployment creates a virtuous cycle of operational and environmental benefits.

The vertuous circle of frugality
Operational benefits
Increased overall productivity
Business-related uses only
Equipment and energy savings
Brand standing
The vertuous circle of frugality
Environmental benefits
Less energy consumed
Less CO2 emitted
Less water recycled
Less material obsolescence

In line with our environmental commitments, GenerIA AIs offer exceptional energy efficiency and guarantee true carbon neutrality.

What's more, by focusing on your choice of data and enabling you to limit or disable conversations, they prevent unnecessary or "personal" use.

For your organization, this means state-of-the-art performance, the certainty that your AI capabilities will only be used for your business needs and, ultimately, 50% to 100% less energy, CO2 and hydric stress.


GenerIA's Artificial Intelligence: Exceed your ESG objectives

your ESG objectives

GenerIA AIs include dynamic CO2 dashboards.

You can assess in real time the impact of their use on your carbon neutrality roadmap.

And thus meet, or even exceed, your ESG objectives.

GenerIA's CO2 dashboard

The GenerIA benefits:

Aggregated totals and analytical details: by application, user, department, site, time frames...
Continuous measurements based on the most rigorous standards: LCA, ISO 14064, GHG Protocol , AFNOR SPEC 2314...
Customized metrics: geographical location, energy types and suppliers, data center PUE, server specifications...
Standardized values compatible with ESG reporting platforms.


GenerIA's Artificial Intelligence: Forget about data leaks and predation

Forget about
data leaks and predation

Unlike ChatGPT, etc., GenerIA AIs can be installed wherever you want.

Like on your private infrastructures or on your terminals, without letting anything through to the outside world.

Rephrased: zero risk of leakage or predation on your data.

GenerIA AIs security diagram
GenerIA AIs can be installed entirely on your infrastructures, so that no data leaves your secure perimeter.

The GenerIA benefits:

Deployment on your own infrastructure or any clouds of your choice (including voice queries).
Direct adaptation to your access strategies: SSO, LDAP, xFA, ACL or personalized authentication.
Embeddable in most mobiles and devices, with or without network connection. No third-party services required, no sharing of your data.
Compliance with "Law 25", PIPEDA, CCPA/CPRA, GDPR... By design. Today and tomorrow.

These GenerIA benefits are contractually guaranteed and auditable on request.


Intelligence artificielle GenerIA : Turn your data into value

your ambitions

GenerIA AIs bear value(s).

They contribute like no other to the success and profitability of your projects:


Gain per week per employee for information retrieval [1].


Global savings per inference [4].


Users productivity boost [2].


Energy and pollution savings [5].


Sales increase [3].


Customers willing to spend more for sustainable services [6].


[1]  ABBYY / Sapio Research.

[4]  Dell.

[2]  Harvard Business School.

[5]  GenerIA estimate.

[3]  Forbes.

[6]  PWC.

These numbers should be increased to take into account the unique characteristics of GenerIA AIs and their specialization in your use cases.

GenerIA: Augment your organization. Today.

Together, let's create
your green AI!

Augment your organization. Today.
Book a demo